
Webinar: Saying “No” really can increase your business prospects.


Industrial Brand Conversations: Featuring Sid Landolt and Pete Dupuis from S&P Real Estate

Imagine walking away from a multi-million dollar project because it didn’t feel right. Now imagine it’s post-crash 2009 and you really need that revenue to keep your doors open. What do you do? That’s exactly the dilemma our guests from S&P Real Estate Corporation, a global leader in resort and luxury real estate marketing and sales, faced. But was it really a dilemma, or did having and employing criteria and a selection processes ensure they avoided an even bigger problem?

Keeping money flowing in to any business can be one of the most difficult and time consuming things owners and principals do. It’s no wonder so many of us find ourselves saying “yes” to work we know is wrong for our firms. Learning how and when to say “no” may even be the path to greater success.

Join Industrial Brand partners Mark Busse and Ben Garfinkel and S&P Real Estate principals Sid Landolt and Pete Dupuis, as we discuss how our respective firms choose the right projects and clients. Gain insights you can apply in your own business along with a deeper understanding of how to systematize this into your corporate culture. We’ll wrap things up with a live Q&A.

This will be a rare glimpse into the minds and business practices of two highly respected experts and we invite you to join the conversation.