
Get Connected in Vancouver: seven keys to great networking

Mark Busse – No Comments

The following interview with Mark Busse was published Oct 8, 2012 by Greg Ryder on, a valuable online source for Vancouver happenings since 2008.

Networking effectively can be a very powerful tool for an individual to improve both their personal and professional lives. Although the long-term rewards developed through networking may be tough to see initially, there’s no doubt that this skill can help you land that dream job, build lifelong friendships, and get closer to the leaders in your industry.

Time and money are valuable assets and to spend them on attending events and training sessions that do not equate to a higher paycheck may seem like a waste of time. But, if you don’t understand the power of connecting in today’s world, you are drastically missing out on a serious pillar of our new educational lifestyle and way of learning. There’s a lot more to business networking than showing up to an event, meeting people, pitching yourself and hopefully throwing out 20 or so business cards. By the way, don’t be that guy.

Read the rest of the interview.