The following article by Mark Busse was published on July 2013 in Design Edge Canada Magazine.
You don’t need to join a design association. What’s the point? Your time is tight as it is—you have Mad Men episodes to catch up on—and money is even tighter, so why give any of it to a club of stodgy old designers who don’t get it anymore anyway?
You don’t need to join a design association. I suppose it demonstrates the level to which you are committed to your career and community, but so does that tweet you sent to Jessica Hische last week. I’m sure she hasn’t responded because she’s super busy right now. #pleasenoticeme
You don’t need to join a design association. You are young and have huge dreams. You need to focus on discovering yourself, plus your personal blog needs your attention. Being in a room with people who could mentor and inspire you is a waste of time when you could be working on your kitten-themed tumblr. Cute glitter font.
Read more at Design Edge Canada.