If there is one thing we have learned from our clients and our own experience regarding the success of social media, it’s that a proper web strategy is crucial. Otherwise, social media can become over-whelming and time-consuming. Not all companies need every social media platform and not all companies want them. So plan it out. If you’re […]
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If you’ve read any of our most recent blog posts, you’ll realize that one of the biggest changes in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry right now is online marketing. While an online marketing strategy is made up of many parts, including a firm’s website, blog, search engine optimization (SEO), and email marketing, one […]
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I recently asked our three partners to answer three questions I had been thinking about lately with respect to clients in our industry. Here is what they had to say:
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There is no doubt that social media networks have immensely changed our lives. We are able to communicate with each other at the click of a button and can capture and share moments that we previously couldn’t. However, something about this interconnectivity is still unable to reach its full potential. Why do we find ourselves scrolling through oceans of Facebook status updates before bedtime like zombies? Why are our Instagram feeds little more than a bland collage of cats, dinners, and feet on beaches?
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There’s no denying it. There’s no hiding from it. There’s no escaping it. Social media is everywhere. And in some cases, social media can make or break a business. When was the last time you went to the little bar around the corner from your office? Not since an army of Yelp reviewers made sure […]
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Trend #1: Mobile The ongoing buzz around mobile marketing is for good reason. A study conducted by Nielsen reported that 45% of Web mobile use is spent checking email and 25% is spent playing games. Combine that with the fact that there are 5 billion mobile devices worldwide, and you’re looking at an enormous audience. […]
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“We need a Facebook page and a Twitter account, right?” ask many of our clients these days. Much like clients who want news sections or blogs as part of their websites, our answer is always “It really depends.” If social media channels are where a majority of your audience is spending their time, then yes, […]
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