

Improving your game and building your brand have similar aims—consistency. In sports, you use a playbook. For your brand, ManagedBrand™ is the single, unwavering source to ensure nothing gets lost, and everyone stays on course.


When you pay a firm to learn about you, refine and develop your brand and messaging and provide communication design, where is all this learning and information captured? How do you retain it? Even more importantly, how do you access, use and maintain it? Hopefully not on paper.

At Industrial Brand we realize that to deliver successful brands that last, we had to have a better way to transfer to our clients the thinking, words, visuals and all the various elements of the brands we were creating for them. A fancy printed and bound brand standards book (aka brand guide, styleguide or brand book) is a nice touch, and a PDF of the logo variants will do. However, these options pale in comparison to having an updatable, adaptable, centralized, web-based resource for your brand.

ManagedBrand™ is just that, and gives you complete control. More than a style guide, you get a single, online source to visually access every piece of your brand, your identity and related materials. Everything from logo versions, official colours, fonts, photos and copy is available, and downloadable to ensure those who rely on them have access to the latest files—from a single online source. In today’s world brands have to be adaptable, and ready for anything. We believe the tools you use to manage them should be too.