The following article by Mark Busse was published on November 1, 2013 in Design Edge Canada Magazine. Last month I shared the angst I was experiencing when faced with what to talk about in this very space—a creativity block which ultimately led to my writing about where ideas come from and how to foster their arrival. I […]
Read This ArticleThe following article by Mark Busse was published on October 7, 2013 in Design Edge Canada Magazine. Boom. I hit the wall. I couldn’t think of a single idea for this month’s post. I was blocked. I had nothing. I hate feeling stuck or uninspired. But it’s in those times that years as a designer […]
Read This ArticleA fascinating glimpse into the twisted mind and creative process of one of the Internet’s pioneers of viral content. Ze Frank’s advice? Live The Rest Of Your Life Like A Potato.
Read This ArticleBelief founder Mike Goedecke sits down for a discussion about passion, creativity, and design. From why he once refused $2.5M for his domain name, to some insights into his creative process, Goedecke shares his unique vision and approach to pushing the boundaries where technology meets art.
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